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12th April 2020, 18:38
Has anyone completed this? I've solved about half of the clues so far but, as I can't parse all of them, it's difficult to know which one's have the extra letter. It's good fun though and I'm really enjoying it:-)
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12th April 2020, 18:46
I have, Brendan, so shout out if necessary.
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12th April 2020, 18:46
Yes, Brendan, I did it all this morning. Post any particularly troublesome clues!

PS I put a big X beside any clues that definitely didn't have an extra letter, and closely looked at the clues above and below the ones that definitely did! Some were more obvious than others.
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12th April 2020, 18:49
How about 8d - I've got the usual 4 letter word for girl + O(ld) but that leaves ED for 'bit of cloth' - even if I take letters from 'cloth' I still can't make it match ED?
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12th April 2020, 18:54
Brendan, the affected clues have an extra letter in their wordplay - not in the words. In that clue, there's an N, missing from End, bit of cloth.
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12th April 2020, 18:58
Ah! I see (I think) -

So in 27a I've got a word meaning "example" and it's an anagram of the last word minus the N - - is that wrong then?
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12th April 2020, 19:03
Yes, Brendan, that's right - and it's still missing from wordplay, rather than just removing a letter from a word. I hope this makes sense!
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12th April 2020, 19:05
...sort of!

So in 7d, there's an E removed from 'HE' (the man) - is that right?
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12th April 2020, 19:09
Brendan, for me the concept is easier to recognise than define!

Yes, to your 7D reasoning.

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12th April 2020, 19:10
Thanks Malone, I think I've got it.

PS Looks like we were thinking along the same lines re "pull":-)
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