Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the best crossword we have seen from this setter.
There are anagrams, long, partial and those that make up only part of a clue. In fact, many of the setter's conventions are mixed and matched within the same clue. There are also hiddens, forward and reversed, homophones (these will make you smile) and initial letters, but, as I said, many of these appear in the same clue.
As for cultural references, there's a US poet, a French painter, a UK pop star, a German author, a English politician and a British author, that's not to mention the reference to what a prince was, or should I say "where a prince was", in the news recently.
5a was a new word to me, but the cluing is clear so it shouldn't cause too many problems.
21a is a very well hidden definition.
There might be a couple of clues that cause some head scratching and, as of writing this, there's still 20d and 22d that I haven't fully parsed - though the answers are clear from the definitions and crossers.
COD There are several really good clues, 7d, 1d and 21a but I'll go for 17d.
I hope everyone is well and I know these are difficult times, but puzzles like this will help us make the most of our isolation.
Thank you Everyman.