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29th March 2020, 03:07
Malcolm - thanks for doing the PR format. From my point of view a mandatory 1st second and third is just a tad too complicated, and feels more like work than fun! Also for the setter it may prove a little burdensome and require excel analysis rather than the back of an envelope! Interested to see how it turns out
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29th March 2020, 08:57
From my end it's easy enough - I'll just write down 1,2 or 3 pts. But if people prefer just going for one vote that's okay, I could still do both ( just awarding 3 pts for a winning vote ). It could well be that others prefer a single word to clue for too, but I'm sure we'll find out.
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29th March 2020, 09:09
Paul - have you come across the ' CFTD ' ( clue of the day ) in the Facebook group ? There, the person who sets the challenge rarely picks one word, but might choose ' Isolate, or any of its synonyms '. The plus side to this sort of contest is that those playing have something to SOLVE rather than knowing the answer, which keeps folk entertained a bit more. The down side for us in this forum is that we would constantly need a back-and-forth dialogue while we try to solve the entries. Not sure that's feasible
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29th March 2020, 09:23
Deal made in the basement. (7)
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29th March 2020, 09:36
Exposed, rocky hillside in Scotland. (4)
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29th March 2020, 10:56
Virginia grabbed in return sale (7)
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29th March 2020, 11:11
I'm going by my clock, not the site one!
3rd - nemo @20
2nd tyke51 @40
1st tatters @8
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29th March 2020, 11:20
1st Chrise @9
2nd Hannah @4
3rd Dorrien @39

See what others think but personally I prefer to have a single word to clue - otherwise the voting process becomes too unwieldy.
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29th March 2020, 11:38

1st tatters #8
2nd aristo #38
3rd BBM #32 (reminiscent of AB)

I also prefer just one word (and spelling variations of it if appropriate). The format doesn't have to be the same every week, does it?
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29th March 2020, 11:40
1 - tatters #8
2 - dorrien #25
3 - aristo # 38
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