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22nd March 2020, 14:08
I enjoyed this a lot and got on without any help, although I'm still not sure of 6d as a hyphenated form. Covering up European cuts in Guardian's leader. E?L -?P?I?G. I don't know if the second letter should be E or L and have no idea what the European cuts are -- anguilles? -- or any of it. I'm also stymted by the spoonerism of 17d, and the origin of all letters other than K and N in 18d.i loved 1ac and 9 and 11.. Very amusing puzzle!
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22nd March 2020, 14:18
I agree on the great amusing quality today. For 6d, I'm unfamiliar with this and wonder if the 2nd letter is E or L. Sorry for not giving the clue but I did that once and didn't press Add Post. Too tedious to do again. Also can't parse 18d other than the K and N.
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22nd March 2020, 14:24
Thanks Mathi/Cymro, I wouldn’t have got that in a million years (not knowing an abbreviation for Hebrew), but in hindsight feeling foolish! Good crossword. I agree 1ac was funny!
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22nd March 2020, 14:29
There is no hyphen in 6d. It is one word, and the second letter is c.

18d: the k comes inside the three letter synonym for fib, or to make up tale. The n is the last letter in this proper name.
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22nd March 2020, 14:41
I guess I've 25a. For me 20a is awful - if the solution fits write it in. Struggled with the Spoonerism as well for a while but once I cottoned on I think it's a truly great clue.
Has anyone else noticed the the same solutions reappear from time to time but with different definitions. 15d appeared late last year, did it not
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22nd March 2020, 14:49
Yes, the answer for 15d appeared just a few months back, as a slightly different clue.
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22nd March 2020, 15:20
Quite entrtaining overall but in my opinion the clues to both 17d and 15d are pretty nebulous and seem to smack of desperation on the part of Everyman. Just my opinion!
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22nd March 2020, 16:37
E uropean another word for cuts (think hair cut) in G uardian
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22nd March 2020, 18:32
If there's a k in 18d, I've obviously got the letters wrong. I have t?l?i?n

I guess 21a is wrong - gestures showing respect; king, on reflection, observed amount around 50. I have put a gesture of respect which has to do with getting down on one's knees. Pretty obvious what I mean, but sorry for spoiling.

Any help appreciated. Also don't understand the spoonerism, though I think I've got it.

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22nd March 2020, 18:37
Hi Catcharmer,

18d Your letters are correct. You're looking for a famous author.

21a I'm sure you have the right answer.

17d the spoonerism is Everyman's = My + Dressed = Clad
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