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22nd March 2020, 19:54
Thanks for hosting Tyke,
Well done malc - a masterful clue.
Thanks for the third place.
31 of 49  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2020, 20:10
Thanks Tyke - that was unexpected ! There were some great clues in there, I thought. Re next weekend's format, what do members think ? Clueless or Peer Review ? Is there a ' third way ' we haven't come up with yet ? We have a week to mull this over.
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22nd March 2020, 20:12
Oh, and thanks for the clip. Nice
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22nd March 2020, 20:29
Thanks tyke for a word with quite a few possibilities. Pleased to get the Silver! Nice clue mXw. I tend to favour Peer Review as I don't enjoy having to choose the winner in Clueless if, perchance, I get to be the setter! Not too fussed either way. Timings are OK.
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22nd March 2020, 20:32
Well done Malcolm
Good choice Tyke
I'm easy on the format but a preference for PR
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22nd March 2020, 20:55
Well done, Malcolm, nice clue. Thanks, Tyke for a productive word and a good competition.
I prefer PR but can't resist entering Clueless anyway.
If the format is to be flexible, could there be a title which would cover either, could be numbered, and show all the weekend competitions in one search? It would also make it easier to write up the list of "used" words :)
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22nd March 2020, 21:29
Thanks Tyke. I liked the word.
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23rd March 2020, 00:24
Thanks for your views about the format everyone - I also prefer PR but ... there may be a `third way` as Malcolm suggests. Appreciate your point about the list Mattrom - I always check to make sure `my` word is not on there ... appreciate your efforts in keeping it up to date.
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23rd March 2020, 02:29
Very nice, malcolmx. Thanks, tyke.
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23rd March 2020, 06:29
In the Facebook group I'm in, there is a daily clue writing contest. The difference there is the challenge is often a theme. Say, films or topical events. The current one stipulates that definitions must have more vowels than consonants. The difficulty for us here is that we would need a constant flow of traffic while we solve the clues. Might not be terribly feasible but I thought I'd check it into the discussion.
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