Thanks to all who entered, I was impressed by your ingenuity. There were some nice anagrams, including Malcolmx@4 & 26, Chrise@7 & 8 and Hannah@24. Mattrom@2 and Dorrien@3 were clearly on the same wavelength and `dance` in various forms was popular. I had to google Pedagogue@19`s reference to Paul Jones, possibly because my dance exploits were usually in a state of inebriation and best forgotten.
In third place is Pedagogue@14, close second is Nemo@15, but the winner is Malcolmx@16 with a clever anagram ...
Reserve side can't play ! (8)
Your prize is a song written by Julie Gold and performed by Bette Midler. `From A Distance` seems to sum up our predicament ...
Can I suggest that future `weekend` hosts have the freedom to alter the format and rules of the competition if they wish. Some might prefer a Peer Review II with voting.