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17th April 2020, 14:52
It means 'trim the tops of trees/shrubs', betty (4 letter word for 'head' + 'a' + abbreviation for 'road').
41 of 51  -   Report This Post


18th April 2020, 14:17
GOT It. Many thanks to drxx for your help.
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18th April 2020, 14:22
70. Top drawer = U. ( as opposed to non-U)
Footnote = PS
about the letter A

Anagram for a 4 letter name for a tree. Look up your anagram.
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18th April 2020, 14:25
Winnie, see post from Betty for number 70
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30th May 2020, 18:20
winnie: 73: the second word of the answer is the 'wood' reference from the latter part of the clue.

However, there are several others I need hints for :-
8 ... but a jumbo completely destroyed this one! (3,5)
12 Big jazz fan found at front of clubs. What a swinger! (5,5)
28 Overcomes in debate, but there are strings attached. (7)
31 Record-breaker in the timber business (9)
37 William, ill, let pet dither but he became the top dog in the house (4,3,5)
42 Cormorant is heading for bay tree (8)
72 A tree so rare around the centre of woodlands bears fruit (8)
89 Throw away high money on a horse. It helps to get a good tanning (8,3)
98 Neat drink (6,4)

31 is probably someone called Wood------, and 37 looks like an anagram, but I can''t see what it's of
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30th May 2020, 20:10
A secondary anagram - of ELEPHANT (THE ....)
'jazz fan' = a cat (a big one) comes before some golf clubs - it's a name.
sounds like a synonym of 'triumphs over' (tree nuts).
3 letters for a captain's record + an ocean wave.
anag ILL LET PET DITHER (British PM).
Another name for this bird is 'SHAG' +noise of dog.
anag A TREE SO + (wood)L(ands) ['centre of']
3 letters for 'throw' + 5 (slang) for money/or a sweet + BAY
Think of a conifer for 'neat' + BEER
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30th May 2020, 21:02
31 perhaps Sydney Wooderson, but I don't get 'business'
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30th May 2020, 23:23
captain's LOG + ROLLER (ocean wave) - the business is lumberjacking.
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31st May 2020, 00:28
...sorry, 'ill' is the anagram indicator - LET PET DITHER is the anagram for the British PM (William) P... (3 words)].
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31st May 2020, 15:04
Thanks drxx: 8 was rather weak, but 28 was good. I'd got stuck on 'dither' for the anagrind in 37, and on 'dla' as the centre used in 72, while I was thinking 'cattle' for 'neat' in 98.
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