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20th March 2020, 13:42
This is another superb Rainbow Charity Quiz, open until 31 May, so plenty of time to work out answers. I wondered how long it would be before someone started asking. The odd nudge is helpful but no answers please, that defeats the object.
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24th March 2020, 22:38
Is it possible to get some hints, not answers, please for the following ?

38. His standard of work is poor, but the pedlar turns beechwood into furniture. (6)
39. Head has a way to reduce the size. (7)
88. Nice help I arranged for Diana with a crossword. (6,6)

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lady bee

25th March 2020, 13:48
itsme - Have you looked up Diana in Chambers? So often with the Rainbow Quiz, seemingly ordinary words have other meanings you couldn't have guessed at.
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25th March 2020, 15:26
Completely without any thoughts on 75 - Men hate sumo etc. Any nudge in right direction please.
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25th March 2020, 17:21
Thank you lady bee ...... I've had the correct answer for a while now, but could not fit it to the clue. ;o)

alansp ..... simple anagram, then google the result.
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25th March 2020, 17:23
Just No.39 to go now ....... any clues ? Thanks
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25th March 2020, 18:38
alansp - 'men hate...' is an anag giving the nickname of a famous Yorkshire carpenter - 'the ????????'.
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25th March 2020, 18:40
itsme - 4 letters for 'head' followed by abbrev. for road ('reduce to size' = def).
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25th March 2020, 18:47
Thanks to drxx and itsme Usual anagram solver failed to include the three letter word, but now have it.
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25th March 2020, 18:49
quizmad - take 'age'='time' from deliberate damage to get wooden footwear.
mt is the abbrev for 'meantime' (it goes around another two letters frequently used in crosswords).
4 letters for 'dumb'/silent + 3 letters for 'steal' + the usual 2 letter abbrev for 'artist' - all reversed in that order.
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