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1st March 2020, 09:32
Laertes, you're almost there!

14. Think of the usual two-letter 'unpleasant smell'. The answer to the clue is defined by 'burdock'.

9. It's hard to give a clue for that, it's so short to start with. The 'faces' is similar to 'challenges', the 'fish' is the same as a very similarly-named one...
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1st March 2020, 10:09
Morning all. Can I have a help with:
7d Actor playing on raised pedestal. I have A??o?e?
And 30a Well known top spin bowler P?ce??? Not many words fit that. Maybe a proper name?
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1st March 2020, 10:35
Mornning lumen.

7d is an anag of actor, followed by a two letter abbr word meaning on (in the sense of "on the subject of") raised. Def is pedestal.

30a def is bowler. You have to spin (ie reverse) a two words. One is something you might call someone who is well known. She/he is a ????
The other word is a top, in the sense of something worn on the head.
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1st March 2020, 10:46
As I said earlier, it seems I'm lucky to have this as a first IQ. What a brilliant puzzle! The creator of the musical work is a favourite and lived quite close by. Still have a couple of ?? eg 3d, can't quite reconcile 'thrash' with the wrapper of the relevant part of Rouen and a bit puzzled by 11a, but otherwise a very happy intro to the IQ. (:o)
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1st March 2020, 10:55
3d. The word (upwards) around the relevant two letters from Rouen is a synonym for thrash in the sense of beating someone in a contest.

11a. The front letters (initials) of "Are engines" followed by "or" backwards. Def "of planes."
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1st March 2020, 10:59
Thanks for your help Nelson
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1st March 2020, 11:00
Thanks nelson, In 3d I was including the 'e' in my reversed wrapper and couldn't reconcile removing rough edges with thrash. Doh! 11a...also doh!
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1st March 2020, 11:08
'Doh!' is a word often heard in my house most weeks.
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1st March 2020, 12:00
Thanks for the help granama and malone. I thought those were the answers but I could not find definitions to confirm. Dont have my Chambers to hand.
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1st March 2020, 17:46
Can I now get a steer on 33, Opening of sonnet penned by roaring Jane of Wales (a legendary poet).
I think possibly 3 letters need to be removed?
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