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9th February 2020, 09:29
All done to a point where I am happy to submit so I allowed myself to look in here although even after sleeping on it I still can’t parse the “Principles said....” clue.
I have a word meaning principles consisting of a word for “said” surrounded by an M and an S. I have to remove an N which I assume makes Man’s Ma’s. I guess removing the a for absolute gives M and S but where is the instruction of how to assemble them into the answer?

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9th February 2020, 09:31
Why does asking the question here allow you so seethe answer. Override means replace. Doh!
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9th February 2020, 09:50
It's uncanny isn't it Smithsax (very fitting name!). I'll now try it with my last puzzling entry 'Formerly true government...' Got the answer, know which letter is spare but the parsing is still opaque.
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9th February 2020, 09:55
And hey it, although I questioned the government bit...but there it is in Chambers. Phew. Done.
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9th February 2020, 14:57
Some tough clues this week I thought. For me about ten where I had the answer but couldn't figure out why. Further headscratching has reduced that to 3. Would appreciate explanation of word play for dread cough, formerly true and endorsement passing.

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9th February 2020, 15:07
Now figured out formerly true, so just the other two to go
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9th February 2020, 15:25
Smellyharry, 'Endorsement passing' I take passing as 'without test one' which, if you take them off endorsement leaves the answer which would be with a single line of symmetry with the hacked bit added iyswim. Can't help with dread cough although I think the first word has a spare letter.
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9th February 2020, 15:38
remove a letter from dread to get archaic indicator
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9th February 2020, 15:54
Thanks Granama but I still don't understand.

I understand the dead cough bit, it's the caught without griping vomit I don't get.
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9th February 2020, 16:06
Smellyharry, I remember now, if you take cat off caught....and cat is....
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