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11th January 2020, 15:57
Just realised I may have misunderstood the last post. I suspect you meant “original” as “before mangling”. The mangled answers put in first are not words. The final grid contains all real words.
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11th January 2020, 16:07
Thanks Smithsax....and do the mangled (now there's a word that takes me a long way back to my nan's washing day) answers contain all of the letters of the answer and does the wordplay give all the letters of the correct entries? I ask this because I have some strange possibilities for original entries and I think I'm going bonkers. And it's too early for a beer or a Merlot😕
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11th January 2020, 16:17
Is it ever too early bobbycollins? I'm struggling with the nw corner even though I know what the theme is (I think) - definitely almost time for a Chardonnay!
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11th January 2020, 16:25
The wordplay gives all the letters of the mutilated answers but the mutilation involves all 18 answers together. The individual correct answers do not contain the same letters as their mutilated entries but overall the six word announcement and the summary of current progress contain the same 32 letters. Very clever. I wonder how long it has been in the pipeline for publication this week.
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11th January 2020, 16:29
Hi bobbycollins, each 4 X 4 square has 9 clues traversing or fully in it.
In each of these 9 clues wordplay gives the original entry" which is nothing" other than the "statement" in the square with the letters outwith the square (for the clues that traverse) forming part of the definitions (once reallocated) when filled with the rearrangement of the 32 letters.
All other clues and entries are normal.
Hope this helps.
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11th January 2020, 16:50
Thanks again smithsax - that's clarified things rather more than somewhat!!

Planks - you're right. After smithsax's explanation I'm going to open a strong beer.
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11th January 2020, 16:52
Thank's ginge. Now for the fridge!!
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11th January 2020, 16:55
Don't know where the greengocer's apostrophe in thanks came from!
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11th January 2020, 18:32
The Listener is always good these days.

We're jolly lucky.
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11th January 2020, 18:57
I'm 75-80% through this but struggling with the NW corner. Any hints/nudges for the likes of 3d would be appreciated. I'd rather expected 'friends on vacation' to be 'fs'. Am I going in the right direction?
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