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5th January 2020, 11:10
That's interesting Clark, I didn't realise that Paul felt the Phil Spector version was 'over orchestrated' (mind you, it is Phil Spector, what did they think was going to happen!?).
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5th January 2020, 11:12
May be 13a, 24a, and 2d are somewhat similar to 25a (where you have to subtract and add some letters). The author’s name in 26a becomes clear once you fill up all the other nearby clues. But I had to look up google to confirm. Never read his works, I think.
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5th January 2020, 14:27
Please put me out of my misery and give me the answer to 4. I have all the crossers. Also clues to parsing 24, 3 & 15.
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5th January 2020, 14:38
For 4a, first 7 letters are an anagram which gives holly go. Type this in google to get the full answer from a movie!

For 24a, use a 4 letter synonym for ill without the final k. Then put to inside.

For 3d, put m inside the synonym for preposterous.

For 15d, variety is range and use first letters in Italy and Portugal at the end.

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5th January 2020, 14:48
4 is an anagram of a truman capote character - think of breakfast at tiffany's.
24 think of another word for "patient" other than being sick.
3 is a word (how I would hope you would not describe your mum) meaning preposterous with another word for mum inserted in it.
15 think of books as related to the bible surrounding another word for variety followed by the two country initials.
Hope that helps.
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5th January 2020, 15:48
Thanks Mathi & CD. I’d made a rod for my own back by having PARTY as the second word in 1A!
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5th January 2020, 18:43
Finished it. More difficult than recent weeks I think. Though personally not confident that I've got them all correct. 19d for instance- not sure what correct answer is but can see a few options.
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5th January 2020, 18:47
(Usain) ****
forward **
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5th January 2020, 19:00
Cerasus. Thanks. Thought that would be it . And a great palindrome for MPFC fans.
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5th January 2020, 19:08
Yevrah, I remember the sketch well :-) I am a MP fan
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