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5th January 2020, 02:50
I found this Everyman a bit more difficult than those of recent weeks, In fact, I still have one clue I just can't get.......

25a Withholding sex appeal, not a Beatles song primarily wanting for orchestration! (3,2,2) - L?T ?T ?E

It looks like it has to be the iconic Beatles classic, but the clue specifically says that it isn't - but what else fits?

I'm also not entirely convinced about 27a,...

They say Mr Broadbent's tired with sportswear (3,5)

where it appears to be asking for a homophone (they say) of "Mr Broadbent" and a synonym for "tired". The first word is straightforward, but the second one seems to be a word that means 'rubbish' not 'tired' (at least according to Chambers) - unless I've got it wrong.

I'll keep going for another while but, if I have no PDM, I'll look at both clues again with fresh eyes in the morning.

I'd be interested to hear the views of others - do you think it was more difficult than usual?

Feel free to leave a comment and/or ask for a hint.
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5th January 2020, 03:05
I haven’t managed to parse 25a either but 27a works for me. Is your second word a verb? It’s what Mr. Broadbent would be doing if he were exhausted.
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5th January 2020, 03:10
Ahhh!!! Thanks Rainman, I was fixated on the noun version of the word, hence I thought it looked wrong but, of course, you're right - the word as a verb fits perfectly.

Re 25a When you say you haven't parsed it, does that mean you've got an answer? If so, did you put the Beatles song or something else?
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5th January 2020, 03:30
Yes, for 25a, only the Beatles song fits for me, after removing sex appeal from their name.

I guess someone panting means tired in 27a.
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5th January 2020, 03:33
Re 25a. I think I've got it.

It appears to be an anagram of BEATLES minus the 'A' (Not A) and the S (S(ong) primarily wanting) around the usual 2 letter word for "sex appeal".
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5th January 2020, 03:35
Thanks Mathi, I think our posts crossed.
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5th January 2020, 03:40
I still can’t parse or justify the middle two letters IT in 25a. But first and third words are ok.
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5th January 2020, 03:46
Hi Mathi, I got the IT from "sex appeal" where 'withholding' means 'restraining' or 'keeping in check' - in other words , the other two words are surrounding it (literally!)
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5th January 2020, 03:51
Yes, IT is sex appeal, I forgot! I took it as SA, which is not correct. It comes from not a and song primarily. Thanks, it works now.
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5th January 2020, 09:57
The Beatles clue has another level of meaning due to an historic spat about the song in question. Any other examples of this type of thing in the puzzle? I thought I spied a few..

I had to cheat to get the novelist as I knew 0 of this person. There are a lot of novelists.
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