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7th December 2019, 19:29
Glad I could help, Sunray.
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7th December 2019, 19:59
My ighlighted letters make words in the diagonals...5,5,5,4,3,8,1,5,2,5 with a few apostrophes missing .... hope that's correct
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7th December 2019, 20:15
Thanks, Kirky, that looks to be the same as mine. Bunty's first set of numbers equals the positions I have in the first row across, so I thought the rest would follow - but they didn't. I suppose it's hard to say where we're highlighting without being too explicit.
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8th December 2019, 00:26
Just a comment ( and possible spoiler if you're still doing the puzzle.) I don't have access to the ODHQ but I would question 'full' as most of the references I can find online contain more words. Mind you, if I'm being a bit too pedantic, feel free to give me a 31.
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8th December 2019, 06:57
Nelson, I felt the same as you about the 'full'! Most versions of the quote are slightly longer, but we were directed to one source. I don't have a copy of ODHQ, but I saw the book online, in Amazon. There's a 'Look inside' feature and I did that, to get to the actual quote. There are two words - names - missing from what we have in the grid, so what we have isn't really 'full'.
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8th December 2019, 08:02
Hi malone. Once I'd realised what we were looking for I searched the grid for a W, for obvious reasons. I looked for the quote online hoping that I might find a version credited to the ODHQ online, but no luck. Anyway, I'm not griping. Very enjoyable puzzle very cleverly constructed. For a short while though. I thought perhaps I'd made a mistake with FULL.
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8th December 2019, 08:18
Thanks, Nelson. Yes, I too enjoyed the puzzle - it was well-constructed, with some good clues. I think we solvers are very obedient, well-trained - so words such as 'full' can have us wondering if we've been thorough enough!
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8th December 2019, 09:02
spam at 0900 reported
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