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9th November 2019, 13:25
Gitto, you are not alone! Fortunately the problem with the setter didn't last very long. I have a third regular failing - compound anagram spotting. Not an issue today though.
I thought it was quite pleasant to have a relatively straightforward puzzle - the teeth-grindingly difficult ones are a great challenge but just once in a while it's nice to start and finish on the same day.
I twigged the likely source of the perimeter and was then crestfallen when it wasn't in the poem I thought it was (about Joan Hunter Dunne, which, if read in an 'I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue' mode, could actually be rather rude!)
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9th November 2019, 13:37
I recently discovered that I could access the OED on-line using my wife's library membership number - It's that simple (and the site remembers it). A couple of my crossword chums do the same, using the number of family or friends.
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9th November 2019, 18:43
As mentioned previously, I only visit the forum when i have completed, in case I can give a nudge to someone who is struggling with a particular clue/wordplay. I saw many instances of members asking for a nudge and just receiving the complete answer in reply. So it appears to me 'Malone' started the second thread in response. So 'without that pious may contain answers guff' seems somewhat severe. (Crucifier).
It matters not to me how it is titled but I just assume 'you can please some of the people.......'
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9th November 2019, 19:14
Crates, I just assumed it was to distinguish this from the, rather amusingly situated, threads on the 'answerbank' in which there are actually no answers. I was unaware of the history of anyone putting unsolicited answers on here. 'pious may contain answers guff' seems unwarranted and reminiscent of the denizens of that other place where I was invited to stick around as I might learn something. Quite how I can't imagine.
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9th November 2019, 19:28
Crates and Granama1, thanks for your kind comments. I don't know why the solver chose Listener for giving unasked for answers, the theme etc - as said earlier, the Inquisitor and EV threads on here work well. There was a lot of rather heated debate for a while, and it lead to the 'May Contain Answers' thread. Initially it was a companion to a thread that was more just an appreciation of the Listener puzzle - that one has died away, for whatever reason. I've carried on with 'May Contain Answers', but would have no hesitation in stopping if it is regarded as … unwanted.
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9th November 2019, 19:44
Malone, you can call the thread 'Ethel' for all I care (:o) I've found it really useful in getting better (completed this one unaided). Years ago I had a leg up from someone who helped me get going with the likes of Araucaria and started my love of cryptics. Without help and explanation it wouldn't have happened. I used to try the Listener and then wait 2 weeks for the 15squared blog but by then things had gone a bit 'cold'.
'May contain answers' is fair warning. Perhaps you could try 'Here be dragons....and hints and tips' (:o)
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9th November 2019, 20:07
For what it's worth - I think your thread has been a good compromise, malone.
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9th November 2019, 20:37
Malone - I was one of the ones who begged people not to post unsolicited explicit answers. There was indeed one particular person who would pretty much reveal the whole thing.... the theme, hidden words, etc, when no-one had asked for them. It was very demoralising coming here to ask for a gentle 'nudge' for a particular sticking point and seeing a page full of capitalised solutions to other clues. I'm not convinced that said poster doesn't pop up still, from time to time, under another name. Anyway, I appreciate you starting these threads and things seem to have settled down to a point where people only give the help that people have requested.... a hint, a nudge, help with parsing, etc. Discussions on themes and end-games also seem to avoid giving spoilers. So thanks to everyone for making it a better experience for all of us.
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9th November 2019, 20:47
Malone, maybe you should have put your "May contain answers guff" in block capitals. That way we could really have put the cat among the pigeons:-)
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9th November 2019, 20:52
As previously mentioned a fairly easy fill this week. However i'm struggling with the required phrase. Could someone confirm that the clues containing the extra words are as follows: 12,18,29,35; 5,14,23 and 37.Thanks.
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