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5th November 2019, 07:08
Grunger, Tyke, Rosalind

Thanks for last night's posts- we must all have been typing at the same time.

Thanks too for all the offers of help with catering, singing etc.

Tyke, the frankincense and myrrh will have pride of place, but I'll need to ensure that they're not on the same table as Grunger's sozzled pies. If you have any problems sourcing donkeys, I suggest you get in touch with an organisation in London - I believe the Houses of Parliament are full of them!

Would you care to be in charge of typing up the words/lyrics of the carols? This would avoid any of the errors mentioned earlier, and it'd be good if we were all -literally - singing from the same hymn sheet.
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5th November 2019, 09:59
It might be more entertaining if we were all singing from different hymn sheets and anyway I think singing should be confined to consenting adults in private.

However, I agree to do the typing. I am currently transcribing some 17th century Customs books, so will try not to mix up the scripts.
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5th November 2019, 12:03
Some other words for your hymn sheet:

We three kings of orient are
Selling ladies' underwear
Most fantastic
No elastic
Only tuppence a pair.

I hope they bring Frankenstein with them too.
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5th November 2019, 14:03

Thanks for your version of 'We Three Kings'. Rosalind is free to type up whichever version - of that and any other festive song - - that suits her best.


If you find a 17th-century script that accurately reflects the attitude and aims of Pedants United, please use it. Our distinguished organisation deserves a distinguished typeface.
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5th November 2019, 14:18

It was good of Tyke to offer his services as a one-man 3 Wise Men act. But perhaps in these enlightened times we should have 3 Wise Women. Clearly Rosalind and yourself, and I would be happy to make up the trio.

How about a psalm or 2? My favourite is Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherdess. I would be happy to lead the singing, dressed in my Bo Peep outfit.

Instead of mince pies, I could bake a large 14 Down, with copious supplies of:

could it be chewed by celebrity tucking in? No (7)

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5th November 2019, 14:35

Yes, I should perhaps make an effort to keep on Tyke's good side - who knows how much gold he has stashed away in the Caywoman Islands? I am hesitating about having Three Wise Women, and am veering towards Three Wise People instead. I'm working on the short list just now - you, Jigjag,Tyke, Rosalind are all on it, and I'm sure further nominations will follow.

As Chief Executive of the PUCC, I'm afraid I will have to use my full powers to ban any appearance of Psalm 23. It is my most-disliked hymn ever. I do, however, quite like The King Of Love and I think your shepherdess touch would work there.

Thanks for the offer of a large 14 Down, but I think individual mince pies would be much more festive. Perhaps your offer of custard was prompted by the need to use up all your gravy jugs and boats?
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5th November 2019, 15:13

I remember the sensible navy knickers - perhaps they will become fashionable one day? When I got to Grammar School the music teacher soon discovered I was a `groaner` so my singing career, thankfully, was terminated by mutual consent.
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5th November 2019, 16:18
I could make some festive King Wenceslas pizza - deep-pan, crisp and even.
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5th November 2019, 16:30

Thanks - the pizza sounds fantastic!
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5th November 2019, 16:47
ooh love the sound of the pizza, preferably without added footsteps.

Had the same experience as you, tyke. The music teacher told me to keep quiet henceforth, so I have.
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