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21st August 2019, 06:17
Essential points outclassed (7)
31 of 55  -   Report This Post


21st August 2019, 06:32
2nd attempt.

Essential element outclassed (7)
32 of 55  -   Report This Post


21st August 2019, 07:07
Good stuff so far, folks. Plenty of different ways to skin this particular cat, it seems.

Because I'm quite new, I have no idea how many members this forum has, but no those who are reading but haven't yet dipped their toes in the water - come on in ! Put it this way : What's the worst that can happen ? I think we've all found that our clueing gets better the more you practise !

I have a few favourites picked out so far, but still plenty of time for someone to come in from left field.....
33 of 55  -   Report This Post


21st August 2019, 18:48
Award for Worzel, in his field - outstanding (7)
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21st August 2019, 19:03
No salt, not dead. Could be significant (7)

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21st August 2019, 21:51
Apologies for slight delay, folks. results up shortly
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21st August 2019, 22:04
Again, sorry for hiatus. Bit of a skinful earlier this evening. I blame the other guy...

Thanks for many inventive entries. A lot of thought obviously went into a plethora of novel ways of approaching the target word.

Mentions for BBM2 ( @5 ) , Skyewalker ( @ 18 ) and Paul (@ 11), but runner-up this week is sunray's @23 : " Important to liaise somehow, but I go by the books " , and the big one goes to mattrom's @ 6, with " Keystone Cops - out of this world "

Well done everyone. Was going to choose music, but a mite subjective, and I might never be voted winner again, so the prize instead turns to humour. No, nothing to do with ' salient ', but then I never plan ahead properly..

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21st August 2019, 22:17
Congratulations mattrom

Good job, malcolmxword and thanks for selecting my clue as a runner-up.
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21st August 2019, 22:17
Congrats Mattrom, lovely clue.

Thanks MalcolmX, a fun word!
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21st August 2019, 23:11
Thank you, Malcolm. A nice surprise on this blustery morning, and an honour with so many good clues. I found it an interesting word to work on. Was it one you had seen in another crossword? If so, I wonder what that clue was?
I had a laugh at the clip. Interesting how they can make so much out of something one normally takes for granted. A bit like clue setting, sometimes.
Cheers till next week.
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