Welcome to another rip-roaring episode of Clueless, your weekly clue-setting jamboree.
I've only been here for about a month, so apologies if the word I've chosen has been done recently. Hopefully not.
I'll be looking for unorthodox and inventive ways of approaching this challenge. A nice concise and logical sentence will also help no end.
The winner of the previous week's competition both sets the word to be clued and judges the entries for the current week.
The judge's decision is final and reasons may or may not be given at the judge's discretion. It is customary for the judge to award a virtual prize to the winner.
Multiple entries may be submitted and new competitors are particularly welcome.
So here we go. This week's word is
You have until Wednesday 21.00 GMT to post clues, and I'll be coming to a decision shortly afterwards.
Have fun everyone !