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16th August 2019, 16:07
Shouldn't it have been a numerical tomorrow, or am I miscalculating? Anyway, for those of you who skip the numericals, it isn't.
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16th August 2019, 19:53
It’s because there are five Saturdays in August. The numerical is next week I think.
The bad news is that it’s another “Wordplay leads to an extra letter.....” puzzle. It really is about time that this way of hiding a message is retired.
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16th August 2019, 20:23
I thought it was a really well-clued, enjoyable puzzle, and the clues weren't as difficult as they appeared at first. The theme is not my forte, but now I have paid it some attention, I rather like it! Unambiguous endgame, with no grid-staring.
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16th August 2019, 20:31
Sorry that I have to disagree with unclued since this is such a civilized forum which lacks some of the nastiness found elsewhere. However, I actually enjoy the extra letter device which often gives a very sudden PDM - which it did with this puzzle. On the other hand I am struggling to justify three of the buggers although I am certain that they are correct. A bit early to be more precise at the moment.

Regards to all
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17th August 2019, 09:44
Cannot, for the life of me, parse 1D or 5D - otherwise completely satisfied with the completed grid, creator and title. As for the extra/missing/misprint et al device, I do enjoy them but they do seem to be dominating a lot of puzzles at the moment. However, as I am far from the geniuses who create these for our entertainment, who am I to complain?
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17th August 2019, 10:10
1d is one of my headscratchers. For 5d think "nettles" as "irritate"
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17th August 2019, 10:17
Hi both, 1d: "in flood" is straight from Chambers as a definition of the 2nd word in the answer.
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17th August 2019, 10:19
1d "Owing to" is one of the Chambers definitions of a 2 letter word, which also means "belonging to".

"Delay" is a common 3 letter definition.

"In flood" is a Chambers definition of a 4 letter word which is a synonym of the theme.
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17th August 2019, 11:04
Help please:

parsing 32 ac, and hints for 13 ac, , 20, 23 d

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17th August 2019, 11:04
Thanks all for explaining 1d, as for 5d it would of helped me greatly if, in a fit of idiocy, I hadn't got the wrong misprint!!
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