If you Google combinations of faere and faerie or fairy there are some examples, particularly https://pantheon.org/articles/f/fairy.html
which suggests it is a 14th century French word.
How does it fit 6d? - haven't a clue
FAERE is based in Rennes - Renter, very loose, also it’s about ecology and green energy. Also 12a has SSE in the centre, one of the big 6 energy producers, maybe way off the mark, who knows.
Been wondering about faire - convoluted thinking being "LESS" + "E"s (ease) so 6d might be "less ease" - opposite (kind of) of laissez faire. Still doesn't fit the clues though
I also can't understand these two. On looking to see if Danword had the same answer, He has. I have emailed to see if he can explain!!! I won't hold my breath
I have emailed Danword several times usually when an error has been made by them (a huge organization - not a single person ) Never received an acknowledgment to any of my emails