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22nd July 2019, 17:13
Thanks for your two posts, Turast, I missed the earlier one.

I think it's an unsatisfying preamble - a definitive finish is always better (even if it's a theme that I have no interest in). This puzzle seemed to wander about a bit, with various things open to various interpretations.
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22nd July 2019, 21:48
I am also puzzled by the preamble. I have considered removing PAUL from the tune and also tried to involve “I’m looking through you” as another tune from the bottom reference.
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kilgore trout

23rd July 2019, 11:56
What Goes On here? I agree it's hard to Think For Yourself when this preamble is so Nowhere, Man. In My Life I have rarely seen one so poorly written. Still, I think the simplest reading is the right one - If I Needed Someone to explain it I think they'd say that erasing only The Word in the song title would render the "in full" instruction redundant, since nothing in the top row or title would be erased. So erasing the 5 words except where they intersect the "in full" entries seems like the way to go. Wait...., no, I'm pretty sure that's the right interpretation.
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kilgore trout

23rd July 2019, 11:59
"nothing in the top or bottom row or title" that is..... I'm as blind as I can be......
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23rd July 2019, 14:57
This is what I received from EV Editor:

The full name of tune (highlighted) and two references across top and bottom should appear in the final grid.
Five unclued theme-words are to be treated thematically, but only in parts not conflicting with the above.
I don't believe X-Type intends the final grid to have any pictorial significance.

I hope this helps.


Steve Bartlett
EV Editor
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23rd July 2019, 14:58
So how is everyone interpreting above?
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23rd July 2019, 16:21

I interpret it as you and orson have.

I am stuck on 2.

37A These not-makers are strictly for the birds (6)

12D Massage Aunt I massaged! (5, two words). Presumably an anagram of AUNT I. Is this the abbreviation. I dont have another one.

Hints would help please
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23rd July 2019, 16:23

Thanks for saying who the EV editor is. I thought it was Chris Lancaster. I have sent him several emails and received no reply and now I can see why.
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23rd July 2019, 16:37
12 Yes, an anagram. It's not an abbreviation. Chambers shows it as 2 words, but also just as one.

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23rd July 2019, 16:41
Grunger, for 37 It's hard to come up with a clue... these are flutes, used to train certain birds...

Sunray, thanks for the update. The email didn't give us new information, but I felt it allowed me to ignore some of the preamble stuff. I think I'll stick with my Grid A. removing the unclued entries (apart from them being involved with the other thematic stuff.)
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