Your idea of a fixed holiday is a good one, and after some thought, I considered that the school year should be split into 3 terms of equal length, giving 39 weeks as now.
I rang the Council and spoke to the Head of Future Dates, Isla Settit, to propose the idea. "I came up with the idea of a Spring Break to avoid the problems of a late Easter" she told me, and I am now working on next year.
“Why not have 3 terms of 13 weeks with a one-week half-term.” I replied. “so the Michaelmas term starts on 2nd Sept and ends on 6th December. Following a 2-week holiday, the second term starts on 23rd December and so on.”
“But there is an important religious festival we have to take into account”, she said.
“If you mean the Epiphany, it is at a weekend, so that is no problem.”
“Hmm. It might work. I will give it serious consideration and let you know.” she said.
I don’t think it will happen in Scotland though. I believe there is the feast of Hogmanay to avoid.