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16th April 2019, 17:54
catkin - in my experience, if the two words are taken in isolation, the third word is probably about the most common word to follow the second word.
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17th April 2019, 11:27
Thanks Simond9x and Crates. I decided to check the forum and now I see my error. I swapped "head" and "end" in 5d/6d. The parsing looked perfect and I couldn't get out of that mindset to find the alternative word swaps. At least I don't need to put a note in my diary to look out for the answers.
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18th April 2019, 21:24
catkin - When filling in I solved 1st and 4th words quickly and 3rd then became obvious - but I assumed 3rd word would be c***e until I realised letter changes would not work. So managed to work out 3rd word....But as you have pointed out your original switches for 5 & 6 do indeed give definitions and wordplays for both - what are the chances of that?
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18th April 2019, 21:28
My last should have read "When filling in I solved 1st and 4th words quickly and 2nd then became obvious...."
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