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13th April 2019, 09:34
Swapping the words around proved to be a lot more straightforward than I feared at first. Once I had guessed at the theme a quick google search instantly found the song/composer/lyricist which enabled a fairly rapid conclusion to the grid-fill. All clues are fair and are well structured. One of the easier Listeners for a while.
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13th April 2019, 10:58
Am I alone in not finding this as straightforward as gitto?
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13th April 2019, 11:07
It's certainly not my easiest of recent weeks. Started slowly but it's beginning to fall. I shall come back here if and when I have finished. I will be interested to see the general consensus.
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13th April 2019, 12:11
I think it depends how quickly you get the theme. Once you do you can fill a lot of the grid which helps speed things up immensely.
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13th April 2019, 13:10
Once I got the theme, I could quickly fill the grid and find song etc but didn’t track the initial letters of displaced words. Is there any point in going back to identify them?
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13th April 2019, 13:23
Only if you can be bothered.

I have them but they just give a big hint as to theme.
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13th April 2019, 13:50
Got the theme and yes, it suddenly becomes a whole lot easier.
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14th April 2019, 09:50
Hi, Having trouble with 1D. I have the letters from 1A, 6A & 12A but don't understand the clue. A hint would be appreciated.
Thank you.
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14th April 2019, 10:12
Having difficulty parsing 28a and 24d. Think I have an idea of the reasoning behind 24d but would be grateful for corroboration. In 28a I can’t see a suitable word for brilliant. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
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14th April 2019, 10:45
Hi, supersub,

You are looking for a US brewery. This one was established in Milwaukee in 1844, and its most famous beer is called “Blue Ribbon”.

You have to replace the first word of the clue with a word from 2dn to make sense of the wordplay.
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