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2nd April 2019, 06:58
Kt17, I enjoyed hearing your view of this puzzle. I don't think you enjoyed it as much as I did!

I think most solvers would have worked out how to alter the special answers long, long before thinking about piecing together the extra letters. There were obvious points of entry - solvers would have had correct answers that wouldn't fit, and also grid entries beginning with letters that didn't match up with any clues. The puzzle title helped too.

Life may be too short to want to complete that challenge, getting the initial letters ...but the challenge wasn't necessary at that point. The 'instruction' didn't help at all with any changes - though we solvers didn't know that until we'd filled the grid.

I enjoyed slotting all the entries together, it was very satisfying. I ground to a halt when it came to carrying out the instruction, but that was because I'd failed to interpret it properly! I liked the final step when I got there - eventually.
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2nd April 2019, 15:16
I like unearthing hidden messages so I didn't mind doing that bit. And although the method was a bit tedious, it only took a few minutes in reality and now I've recently retired I do have a few minutes to spare here and there. Life is indeed short but I believe we have more time than we think.

Moreover, I learnt a bit about rocks in the process, but I went down a blind alley when I found there is a place called Pivot Rock Park in Arkansas.
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2nd April 2019, 17:46

Thanks for your kind offer to give hints. I will probably spend some time on it in the next couple of days - before giving up!

I'm glad you called me "grunge" - that is what I meant to register as, but mis-typed it. I don't know what "grunger" means but I am stuck with it.

Many thanks, Grunger
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2nd April 2019, 22:43
Well said Orson, and had I your brains and staying power I probably would too.

I did enjoy this puzzle very much - but it simply required one to fill the grid [in order to send it in].

Once I was happy that I'd filled the grid correctly my motivation to do the other bits fell away and my mind moved towards C2H5OH.

I'm weak, I know it.
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