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1st April 2019, 13:29
I've filled the grid apart from:
Helps for Ed's horses if day's moved earlier (6).
I've got STED?S. Stedds and Stedes both fit and "steads" is helps in Spenser. Shouldn't it be if day's moved later so that steeds becomes stedes?

I've also got the instruction but that makes little sense at the moment. I need to think like Fred Flintstone, it seems.
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1st April 2019, 13:36
I think I know what to do to the completed grid but it's going to take a lot of searching on the internet to find them all.
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1st April 2019, 14:08
are the first letters of extra words to be read in the order listed? It says entry order but I dont know what that means
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1st April 2019, 14:15
It's in the order they appear in the grid, grunger. So the first letter will come from the answer to 1 across, the next from the second across answer (which 5 across) etc.
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1st April 2019, 14:19
Orson, I think I'm in a similar position to you - a totally filled grid and an instruction I'm struggling to decipher! I'm not sure what you're going hunting for on the internet?
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1st April 2019, 14:22
Something like Ruggestein in Norway, malone. That is obviously not in the grid but I'm looking for other names. I've found one so far in one of the 10-letter answers.
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1st April 2019, 14:30
Hi orson & malone, the split is 10/7 and the 10 could easily just be the 5 before the hyphen (Chambers). Generic rather than specific and I believe you've found the 5 after the hyphen Orson.
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1st April 2019, 14:35
Thanks, Orson - that was enough to get me finished!

Thanks too, Ginger.
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1st April 2019, 14:37
Ginge, blame autocorrect for getting your name wrong. Sorry!
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1st April 2019, 14:38
I managed to finish this more by good luck than by any cruciverbal skills. Once I realised that two entries beginning with 'g' - one of which was fairly obvious and I'm not even a native Aberdonian - were not clued the rest fell into place but, as Orson says, the other thematic entries needed finding.
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