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25th March 2019, 18:03
7dn is an anagram leading to a foreign phrase - 8dn def is 'of a daily record' - 4 letters scots mud + the usual 3 letters 'relief'/assistance (both inverted).
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25th March 2019, 19:06
Thank you drxx and ginge for your help. It is really appreciated. In my earlier post I should have typed 8 and 9 down instead of 6 and 7 down. My niece called this afternoon wearing the answer to 9 down. For the sake of completeness I am going back to 4 down because it will nag at me even though I have what is to be entered. I assume the definition is 'displays' but could easily be wrong. Like you drxx the definition of 20 across was completely new to me.
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25th March 2019, 19:21
Hi again alwayspuzzled, hopefully you'll look in again before spending too long on 4d; spar (geology) is the definition.
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25th March 2019, 19:41
I think 'Displays seat' got me over the line for 4dn (as ginge says, 'seat' = backside (!).
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26th March 2019, 07:00
Thank you yet again ginge and drxx. I have just come back to this and can now see what it is. I have read Wilkie Collins' novel so should have got this earlier.
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26th March 2019, 17:31
Watching Prunella Scales Great Canal Journeys was very helpful in getting the theme.
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27th March 2019, 16:22
As usual I have all the required elements except, annoyingly, one letter. This is the 2nd letter of 33a and the 3rd letter of 26d. I can make no sense of either of the clues:-
33a - 'Tack ring to slip back cutting mount up'
26d - 'Saw writer rearing simpleton, perhaps, having taken a drop of medicine? Quite the reverse.
Can anyone put me out of my misery please?
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27th March 2019, 16:28
Hi bigf I can supply the missing letter if you like but you might wish to have the satisfaction of completing it yourself with just a tad of help.
33a in full would be (6) and 26d (7).
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27th March 2019, 17:21
Thanks for your help ginge. I finally got 33a, giving me the missing letter also for 26d. I haven't parsed 26d yet, but I am now satisfied!
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