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24th March 2019, 17:25
I have 24 of the clues solved, but I have no idea how to enter the answers. Some lose 1 letter, some 2, 3 and (so far) 4. I can see no
pattern to how letters should be lost. Any ideas?
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24th March 2019, 17:27
The title is a big help.

PS Did you do you Inquisitor yesterday? That could help too!
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24th March 2019, 17:40
I did, Malone, but I can't see the connection. I take it that it's the same author?
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24th March 2019, 17:56

You need to read the title of one of his books in a cryptic manner.

As Malone says the title of the puzzle is a help.
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24th March 2019, 22:09
I admire anyone who made the leap unaided. All done apart from two, where I would value knowing the definitions of 28 and 37. My on-line BRB has over 500 possibles for the letters I have, and I can't bear the thought of trawling through them all. (I can't find evidence of a Russian city called Ural, so the time I spent barking up that tree is wasted.)
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24th March 2019, 22:25
'of passion' is the definition.
'extending felicitations' is the def - TULA is the city.
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24th March 2019, 22:38
...correction - 'extending felicitations to'.
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24th March 2019, 23:01
I would like help with 6a “one for hire perhaps initially does a runner after about three pints “
And 14d “oily looking minerals? Note spangle amid pick and spades. ?le?li?e
There are others I don’t have, but those two would help.
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24th March 2019, 23:10
6a - 'initially D(oes)' + 'runner' = RIVER, after a 3 letter measure.
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24th March 2019, 23:16
14d 'pick' = ELITE around two letter musical note + E + O ('spangle) +S(pades).
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