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18th March 2019, 17:19
How many times must I get so near to completion only to be foiled by one small thing?. 31. I just can’t see what the middle letter is. I am pretty sure I understand all the clue and the letter swap and assume I need a 3 letter word for a character but .......
31 of 35  -   Report This Post


18th March 2019, 17:28
It's 1 letter for the character (the 'upright' 'I')plus 'say' = EG
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21st March 2019, 16:40
This one is so very frustrating!
I have completed the grid and the perimeter with (for me) relative ease. However I am struggling with the three examples of '4' generated by the misprinted letter. Know that completion is not strictly necessary.

Can anyone help by giving me the correct letters in12 across and 18 across and 27 down.
Is 1 down P? I do seem to be making heavy weather of this.

Thanks to anyone who will help,
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21st March 2019, 16:57
Hi, williamseal,

In 12 ac, wet becomes set.
In 18ac, area becomes urea.
In 27dn, bowl becomes boil.

Yes, in 1dn the correct letter is P: jokey b comes pokey.

The three examples of 4dn are given by the correct letters of 1ac to 20ac, 22ac to 37ac, and 1dn to 31dn.
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21st March 2019, 18:55
My thanks Wintonian
I had (not for the first time) missed something that was obvious in retrospect. I now see it and feel content.

This does afford me the opportunity to emphasise how useful this forum is. Those of us of advanced years should, we know, seek out forms of mental exercise. Knowing that I can turn here for help provides the additional motivation that I need to have a bash at The Listener each week. I completed a puzzle that appeared in the same day that Wales won the Grand Slam (i was there) and my choice on three songs was played as my Country Collection on Rodeo Norfolk. What a day!!
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