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27th February 2019, 10:57
MM, what would you like help with? I didn't solve all of the clues involving the pairs, nor did I bother getting all the strings - it wasn't really necessary.
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manic mary

27th February 2019, 11:47
Oh dear, that sounds even more ominous Malone. Just don't have an idea of where it is going, what the preamble means and how the anagrams N & S equate with the difference in cell numbers. I presume the colour referred to is military, but that doesn't help either.
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27th February 2019, 12:03
MM, the answer to 1 A is 7 letters and the answer to 9A is four. The top row becomes 13 letters long only because you use the letters at the beginning of 7 and 8 D to give you/reveal the thematic name. I assume it's the same for the one at the bottom. Once the two names are entered, all you need to do is work out what goes in the middle square - and I think there are hints on this thread for that (I'll check in a minute).
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27th February 2019, 12:05
I forgot about your mention of colour - yes, that one is military.

There are big hints about the centre cell.
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manic mary

27th February 2019, 15:33
Thank you, the N & S now become quite clear + the colouring (not a work I am particularly familiar with, will persevere now, am still too many unfilled cells around the required shape to hazard a guess at which two letters are needed.
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27th February 2019, 15:41
MM, glad I helped a bit - well, I hope I did! Post any clues that are particularly troubling you. (PS As it was Ifor, I didn't/couldn't parse all my answers.)
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manic mary

27th February 2019, 19:11
The fact that you found the parsing difficult gives me great hope Malone. Will persefere after Friday as am away for a couple of days. Many thanks all.
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27th February 2019, 19:52
MM, I'm not good at parsing at the best of times, never mind when Ifor is involved! I'm sure my answers are correct - and I expect some of them involve those pesky 'strings'. it's worth persevering, it was a well-crafted puzzle.
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