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24th February 2019, 08:45
I am hung up on a very slight detail, but it's under my skin: in 40, my wordplay lacks an 'H', not the letter it should be. Any pointers?
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24th February 2019, 08:51
i thought the same at first but amateur is HAM giving the ha for the answer and M as the one you need
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24th February 2019, 13:30
I have come late to this so please can someone come to my aid. Clues either have a letter missing from wordplay or one added.
22a: very keen climber. I have VINE but cannot parse (4)
24d: girls and women are restricted by work - I have ?OAP(4) I’m sure I have an error in 24...
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24th February 2019, 13:32
22a v(very) + Fine (keen) F is extra

24d can't think of a hint but soap is a synonym for girls and women...S is needed
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24th February 2019, 14:49
14a Unending insincere afternoon greeting (6)
I have HOLLO for unending insincere (hollow) + A for afternoon = HOLLOA, a greeting. But that means no extra or overlooked letter.

Also my overlooked letters begin T, E, I, M... which doesn't suggest anything to me.
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24th February 2019, 15:28
Orson, your I is wrong. There's an overlooked letter between your first two, the M is the start of the next word.
I'm not sure how 14 A works, but I need the extra letter from there! (I wondered if 'unending' meant take both ends off 'hollow'?)
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24th February 2019, 15:41
yes take both ends of hollow then the H is the overlooked letter
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24th February 2019, 15:49
Thanks, Kirky. That's how I justified it to myself, but I'm a bit wary of passing on things that might not be correct!
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24th February 2019, 15:50
Hi malone and thanks.

I think you're right about taking both ends off HOLLOW (and then overlooking the H to give me THE for a start to the overlooked letters, which makes for an odd clue).

I've got the theme by looking at what overlooked letters I do have. And sort of an instruction, although the wordplay for 27a seems to give nothing useful.

For 12d I have ?AE?ER. I'm fairly sure an extra L is in the wordplay but no word seems to fit what I have.
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24th February 2019, 15:51
12 D The first E is wrong - I made the same mistake. The definition is Visitor....(and remember the extra L!)
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