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11th September 2019, 13:16
Congratulations, jigjag - 800 not out! That'd be a terrific cricket score, wouldn't it? I'm glad your appreciative reply reached a nice/significant-looking number.

It's good that you like the -ista ending. Maybe we'll see it everywhere now, and we'll know that it's truly entered the vocabulary when it appears as a crossword clue. (I'm sure all of today's setters have been working hard on ways to clue 'woke', in its present meaning.)

Is Caffe Zero extra-special? The extra 'f' in its name leads me to all sorts of random thoughts... I don't mind Stardeer/Starbucks/Stardoes too much as I feel they started the move away from weak, watery coffee in British places that were called things such as 'The Kopper Kettle' . That in itself was a massive leap forward.
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11th September 2019, 16:04
I was at a party last Saturday, which in many ways was excellent. But the musicista! (there must be a better word). O me miserum. Lost my voice, which must be a first.
The next day I went for a peaceful walk along the cliffs, until I met a party of twitcheristas. And then a (female) gymnosophista appeared on the beach below, causing a certain amount of binocular swivelling. Had she seen, she no doubt would have complained loudly. No-one could do any useful complaining, no phone signal.
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11th September 2019, 17:00

I love those words! Well done. I was hoping the -ista endings would flourish. Could you have called a telephonista?


I missed the significance but yes, 800 would indeed be a great score. I must visit one of these new coffee places. I was told yesterday to "smell the coffee" which was a bit odd, but I will give it a go.
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11th September 2019, 18:09
Thanks, Rosalind, I enjoyed that! I felt the 'gymnosophista' was a bit on the clunky side, but that was offset by the wonderful 'twitcheristas'.
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11th September 2019, 20:17
Jigjag, sorry I overlooked your post. I was, am, very impressed with 'telephonista', definitely a much more 21th century term. I think you might have been half asleep when the 'smell the coffee' remark was made...
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11th September 2019, 22:26
Apparently gymnosophists were Hindus who didn't wear much clothing. This lady was actually entirely naked. Is nudista better? Wish I'd thought of that before!
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11th September 2019, 22:49
Rosalind, thanks for the further information, interesting stuff. The word itself is unlikely to pass into common parlance - and perhaps that's a good thing, it's exhausting just reminding myself of how to pronounce it! I think your 'nudista' is much better - it's shorter, is easier to say and is much more likely to be understood.
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12th September 2019, 12:07

Yes I should have liked to have seen the nudista in your story. I mean I wished I had seen the word, not the lady.

It is a lovely word - so much better than naturist or naturista - or whatever these people call themselves.

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12th September 2019, 22:20
Why not, jigjag? at the risk of getting into trouble, she was well worth looking at!
I actually know two nudistas and will not be joining them at their "sun clubs".
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13th September 2019, 11:58
Getting back to cricket, I'm not keen on seeing The Oval in print. I think the Oval looks better. Would we write The Houses of Parliament, or The Crossword Help Forum?
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