Congratulations, jigjag - 800 not out! That'd be a terrific cricket score, wouldn't it? I'm glad your appreciative reply reached a nice/significant-looking number.
It's good that you like the -ista ending. Maybe we'll see it everywhere now, and we'll know that it's truly entered the vocabulary when it appears as a crossword clue. (I'm sure all of today's setters have been working hard on ways to clue 'woke', in its present meaning.)
Is Caffe Zero extra-special? The extra 'f' in its name leads me to all sorts of random thoughts... I don't mind Stardeer/Starbucks/Stardoes too much as I feel they started the move away from weak, watery coffee in British places that were called things such as 'The Kopper Kettle' . That in itself was a massive leap forward.