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30th January 2019, 11:36
Rossim, is the subscription fee for PU expensive? My Nitpickers Association fees have increased substantially over the past few years, so it's maybe time for me to move...
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30th January 2019, 11:37
BTW I was happy enough with the word 'deliver' in the sense of setting free.
'Deliver us from evil' and all that. It was its position in the clue I didn't like. It could easily have been put at the beginning instead.
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30th January 2019, 11:42
Thanks, Rossim. Yes, I too didn't mind 'deliver'/manumit, though I checked Chambers just to be sure of the definitions matching. I didn't like the clue because it seemed rather formulaic, somehow, and there was no cleverness, craftiness to it.
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30th January 2019, 12:27
There is no membership fee for PU, Malone.
You are just expected to submit at least 6 pedantic comments per annum!
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30th January 2019, 13:09
Malone and Rossim

Thank you for your amusing comments. I suppose the setter thought it read better at the end, as we might see "deliver" in the politicians sense. I hate "focus" too. I heard the PM the other day say "My focus is on delivering Brexit" - what a terrible sentence.

I should love to join the PU or NA but I am covered. When I became an accountant, I joined the ACCA. I thought it stood for "Accuracy in Crossword Clue Association".

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30th January 2019, 13:16
Rossim, six comments per year? I'd be fully qualified by February.

Jigjag, I liked your ACCA membership thing!
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30th January 2019, 13:23

Yes, expensive annual fees and when I did the exams, there was never a crossword.
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30th January 2019, 13:52
Rossim, say, gets nothing out of defective notepad (6).
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30th January 2019, 14:08
As a proud pedant I`ll gladly subscribe to PU !

I`m unfortunate to have an `H`in my postcode - when I tell people my address they invariably read it back and correct my `aitch` into a `haitch`... at least I know at that point the person is illiterate but the problem is they don`t!

Perhaps the forum should make Pedants United a permanent thread ?
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30th January 2019, 15:04
Thanks, Tyke - our membership is swelling by the minute.

I can see why the 'aitch'/'haitch' thing would annoy you. That doesn't arise much in Scotland - I've never heard anyone here use 'haitch'.

A Pedants United thread would be good. I was going to start one with that title, but have no current bees in my bonnet!
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