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22nd January 2019, 18:01

Rusty and Elle discussed 4D in The Times yesterday on the PCT and I posted an observation regarding your comment on the use of IT/SA.

I have just posted a follow-up that you might be interested in.
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22nd January 2019, 18:25
Thanks, jigjag. I hadn't noticed your earlier post, about IT, on the PCT thread - but I've read it, and your later observation, now. I'll reply here as things occasionally get lost, overlooked, there.

I did yesterday's crossword in a bit of a rush, so didn't register anything about the It! In general, the sooner the 'sex appeal' aspect dies out in crosswords the better. It (!) has died out completely in the real world, and I feel only lazy setters cling on to these devices.
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22nd January 2019, 22:09

I agree. Young solvers must be baffled. The last time I heard "it" used was in an advert and the slogan was "if you've got it, flaunt it". That must be 40 years ago.

The setter had a good idea, and with a bit of thought could have used the "it" in another sense, as I suggested.

By the way, it was an interesting day for me yesterday. Apart from the above, "Homer" featured on Countdown, and the Cheshire/Wales border on University Challenge!
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22nd January 2019, 22:34
Jigjag, having re-read yesterday's clue, I can see now why I didn't have any 'It' moments! I didn't take the It in the answer to have anything to do with IT/SA/that nonsense - I think it's just 'that which answers exactly to what one is looking for'. That's a definition of 'it' in Chambers and seems to work very well for the 'just what's needed' in the clue. I would have to strain to make the It/SA stuff fit, then have a moan about it.

Glad you had an interesting day yesterday - coming across another Homer reference and also the Cheshire/Wales border.
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23rd January 2019, 16:48

yes I see it(!) now - thank you for explaining it for me. I was solving the puzzle while watching Countdown and when Homer popped up, I thought of you, and the "lady" and "attract" in the clue all led me to the wrong conclusion. Not for the first time, I got the answer for the wrong reason.

I will apologise to Elle and the setter on the PCT.

Incidently did you solve my 6 x PC sentence?
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23rd January 2019, 17:00
Jigjag, glad you didn't mind that I didn't see It the same as you! I've done similar things myself before - when things bug us, we can be on the look-out (consciously or otherwise) for them all the time...

I think I got your six policemen (not really) sorted, but I'd have to check.
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25th January 2019, 20:50
If I may chip in to this thread I find the Guardian's puzzlers have a fresh approach, rarely do their compilers fall back on jaded usage.

I don't read the paper but they generously put the puzzles online, pleasant to do and with help if necessary.


And I chose this one for a clue that made me chuckle, so thank you Imogen:

"Its leaf on wee statuette (8)"
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25th January 2019, 21:28
Thanks, KT17. I don't see the Guardian crosswords regularly - silly really, as I know they're available online. I will try to look at them more often. It's good to know that I won't see too many old chestnuts!

I really liked your leaf clue.
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25th January 2019, 22:16

Of course you may chip in, Malone and I welcome contributions from all.

I have not seen a Guardian one for about 30 years. I think Araucaria was a regular setter. Is he/ she still going?

I am afraid I cant solve your clue -whats the answer please?

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25th January 2019, 22:28

: )

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