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20th November 2018, 15:28
I'm glad it wasn't just me Orson, took me ages to suss BRB too. Can't help with LWO though - maybe it's 'Listen With Oyler'?

Finally crawled over the line, though whether it is correct or not is another matter entirely as there is simply no way of knowing. I have 6 even across answers, and 8 even downs - does that tally?
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20th November 2018, 15:30
Big Red Book orson :-)
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20th November 2018, 15:46
Each week has two or three solving blogs posted Friday about 4.00pm once the official Listener solution is out. Also some weeks a blog from the setter, as referred to by Oyler.
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20th November 2018, 16:23
Thanks gem. (You were close s_pugh!). Just had a read of Shark’s piece on the setting of Quads... a fascinating insight in to how it’s all done. I shall definitely be revisiting LWO. S_pugh... my evens tally with yours.
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20th November 2018, 19:04
Thanks for the confirmation Merenz, I'm mighty glad not to have to start at the beginning again on this one. I'd best check out "Listen With Oyler" too in a couple of weeks!
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21st November 2018, 07:31
A lull in this thread made me think that everyone had disposed of it two days ago, but there has been a flurry of activity since then.

For anyone still battling with 12d, it's not all that hard provided 15a has been filled, and preferably 18a as well (not many options there). 2d can be worked out by considering the clues for 5a and 7a, and the possible answers for 8d. Once you have an answer for 2d you will be able to work out how many seconds the snail takes to travel 1 foot. That figure must be a factor of 12d, which gives three options for that entry, only one of which ties in with 1d.

People have mentioned the greedy cat and the speedy snail. What about the randy Master? Or is he a Catholic?

S_pugh, your tally of even numbers is correct, unless I've also made an error.
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