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23rd October 2018, 17:58
teenieleek, I think the 2 letter endings are for two of the cases - but there are four other cases to consider.
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23rd October 2018, 18:01
Thanks Teenieleek.

I now have three letters for each of the case. So 7 times 3 or 21.

The endings such as IR or Er make it 8 more cells.
So I get 29, not 26 cells to highlight.
What am I missing?
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23rd October 2018, 18:01
Quite so drxx. Brings back happy memories of Kennedy’s Revised Latin Primer.

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23rd October 2018, 18:05
sunray, there are only six Latin cases, not seven. All symmetrically placed. And forget about -er and -ir. They are not part of the solution
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23rd October 2018, 18:06
Sunray, there are only 6 cases (each with three letters) and then 8 letters worth of endings - making 26
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23rd October 2018, 18:10
Ok, I’ve mucked up. I highlighted us, or, ur and er and the six brief cases. Where have I gone wrong?
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23rd October 2018, 18:13
You're obviously very familiar with the subject keepatit - sadly, I'm just dabbling (but thanks for the link, I'll see if I can follow it).
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23rd October 2018, 18:14
Teenieleek, Google the whole phrase given by the incorrect letters. That will give you the six endings you need. They are all at the end of the rows containing the 'brief cases'. US is right. The most famous example of the second one is 'Et tu, BrutE'.
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23rd October 2018, 18:20
Got it, thank you. Explains why I only got 33% first year Latin .
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23rd October 2018, 18:21
drxx, an outrageously expensive classical education had to confer some small benefit at some stage in my life. However, I doubt this was what my parents had in mind . . .
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