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23rd October 2018, 18:29
keepatit - Glad it paid off in the end!
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23rd October 2018, 20:03
Thank you guys.
I thought Locative was the seventh one.
But that and instrumental are not often used.

so 26 cells it is.
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25th October 2018, 00:14


25th October 2018, 17:02
The only one I cant parse is:

Bottom left - assume it is ablins - a bins round £

Is it Scottish? - not in my old Chambers but if right it will be in latest
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25th October 2018, 17:24
Yes, it is a Scotticism jigjag. It's in the 13th ed Chambers entry for 'able' - ''aiblins or ablins ... or yibbles ... adv (Scot) perhaps''.
I'm surprised it isn't in your earlier edition.
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25th October 2018, 17:35
Oh thanks drxx

You are right - it is not listed in alphabetical order itself in my 1993 edition, but is under "able" with the others you mention.

I really must ask for a new one as a Christmas present.
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25th October 2018, 18:05
I think your old Chambers must be hanging on by a thread by now jigjag.
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25th October 2018, 18:23
yes it is, drxx but I am very fond of it. Reluctant to replace it. If I get a new one, I will keep my dear friend, which has give me so much pleasure!
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