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manic mary

18th October 2018, 11:58
I have blundered about until today, trying desperately not to have to ask for help................... Currently have the bottom half (with the exception of 30a) completed, have the quotation and the word to be inserted, presume that 15d &37a are the clues not corrupted, have also worked out the money changing part (confirmed in the later posts) now am having great trouble seeing the connection between the changed clues (the ones that I have) and the title. Help with 1a Margin of hair on the outside & 1d Nacre developed in moist environment would be welcomed.

Thank you
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18th October 2018, 12:07

They are both thematic. IA is a 3 letter word for margin with a word meaning "of hair" outside. 1D is an anagram of nacre in Mist.

These answers are both offenders. Leve out the M and anagram for other words
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manic mary

19th October 2018, 12:49
Sorry for the delay in saying Thank you jigjag, will peruse again. Can't seem to see any connection between the altered entries (apart from 26d). 1d I have as beginning with C and despite all the helpful posts cannot see any way connect the only word I can get to fit 16d to the wordplay or the title.
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19th October 2018, 13:17
1d answer from clue wordplay ...miscreant ... anagram of nacre moist ...extra is O.
Theme ...remove the m(money) anagram it and you get cisterna to fit in your grid.

16d from the word play ...triggerman(y) Y is extra ... remove the M ... angarm t and you get regrating for the grid answer

The other 7 themed ones are 1a, 42a, 6a, 18a, 26d all following the same procedure as above.

37a and 15d are also themed but don't change
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manic mary

19th October 2018, 15:24
Thank you xwordfan, that is what I had as the answers but didn't cotton on to the fact that it was the answer not the corruption that pertained to the title, oh dear! I might just get there one day.
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19th October 2018, 15:37
MM, you will (get there), I'm sure! I thought you might not like all the anagramming necessary in this one.
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manic mary

19th October 2018, 18:50
Thank you Malone anagramming is not a problem, in fact quite a dab hand when I know what I am looking for! Still ferreting about with 1a but will persevere. Thing is, I used to have a friend who collaborated with me on the EV (6 pens between us) and we managed very well with two brains trundling along, sadly they now have had to give up so I have no-one to 'bat' with and have to plead for help via the CF. Thanks to all who now hold my hand.
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19th October 2018, 19:03
MM, sorry about that - I must have put two and two together (the anagrams involved in the Strictly puzzle and the Physicists puzzle) and thought you weren't keen!

It was interesting what you said about missing your solving friend. I had the exact opposite experience when a friend and I used to solve together - I got on much better on my own (maybe I tried harder!).
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20th October 2018, 21:49

Did you finish it? 1A The offender was criminal Crinal around Rim, r dropped.

The anagram was an Italian plural of clarino

I did not like the anagrams - found it a bit tedious as Malone hinted it might be. Enjoyed the puzzle though, but found the top half hard.. I cant parse Mobster- - something to do with live for name of giant, cant remember clue exactly.

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27th October 2018, 19:28
The giant is a monster, so replace N (name) with BE (live), then subtract the E in BE as the extra letter.

Didn't really like this puzzle - not much fun plodding through all the reforms once the theme was clear.
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