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26th September 2018, 15:11
Hi Bazotto, I'm sorry to hear about the ape flu, but glad that you've survived to tell the tale. And evidently still in good humour.

1st of 23 is P; 3rd of 9 is P; 7th of 20 = 5th of 44 = N
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26th September 2018, 15:19
Thanks Meursault. My mistake, I meant crossing at 44ac and 27dn. Then I can get the scissors out and try to keep glue and dog away from each other. Presumably the "pact" will reveal itself then.
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26th September 2018, 16:17
Yes, 44 & 27 intersection is Y. Most of the 'PACT' is already there in the grid. With the column changes it shuffles along a bit and collects a P. The ambiguity is caused by both Us in the new row 8 pointing to desired Es in row 1. But only one keeps (P)ACT intact.
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26th September 2018, 16:44
Thanks again Meursault. It all fits into place now.
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26th September 2018, 17:46
You're welcome, Bazotto. Dog will stick to you like glue now...
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27th September 2018, 13:32
He he. Moulting attention-seeking Retrievers are never conducive to doing anything that doesn't include them, Meursault! I'm afraid I went off on one of my tangents again and took the title too literally. Revolution in Spanish would replace the T with a C, and being feminine would need the removal of the U to be replaced at the end with an A. Ergo since C and A are both in PACT, well you can see why that didn't quite work out. Hmm. Thanks for mentoring me - I'm becoming more confident even if I don't always get it right first try.
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27th September 2018, 20:46
No problem, Bazotto. I think you weren't the only one to wonder whether the title should be taken literally. And when I saw it first, I thought that there must be a relevant anagram of 'into Spanish'. We become very suspicious, perhaps too suspicious ! Until next week...
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