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8th September 2018, 17:23
Just thinking Meursault - wouldn't Y be the 7-letter word (ie the 5 in the past tense?). That would resolve the last letter of the first word of the phrase .....

Still searching for the grid changes, just have the 3 I alluded to earlier.
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8th September 2018, 17:46
I'm very grateful that you've said that, S_Pugh. I'd entered an S in the 8th letter of the definition, but now that you say, I can see that D is much more suitable. So, the definition indicates past tense, therefore you're right : Y is a 7-letter word, the first word of Z.

You mentioned earlier about something starting from the first word of the definition to Y. And making the necessary changes to 3 letters in order to form a relevant 9-letter word results in all real words. That is surely no coincidence...
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8th September 2018, 17:54
Indeed. And one can think of an X-related phrase (9,6) of which this word is the first and which complies (in both respects) with the specification of what is supposed to be revealed. But we need to change two letters to get it and I can't see how.
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8th September 2018, 17:55
I now see a possibility for 5 grid changes to reveal a fairly obvious phrase in a kind of L shape. (9 4). Could anyone confirm this please ?
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8th September 2018, 18:03
Yes, of course - well done! I was taking the reference to Zs literally as well but if you just make the substitution (both in the phrase and in the rubric) it all makes sense. Having said which, while it's all very clever would it be churlish to say that it's a bit unsatisfying and lacking in coherence?
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8th September 2018, 18:20
Am I correct in thinking the unclued entries have something to do with gambling?
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8th September 2018, 18:24
Yes, although the important thing is the word to which they provide the definition, after which the gambling connection drops away.
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8th September 2018, 18:25
Yes, planks. There's some mention of this earlier - but I don't know how much you'd want to see!
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8th September 2018, 18:27
Thanks for that, I'm no gambler so I guess it's t'internet for me.
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8th September 2018, 18:57
I agree Midgers. A new phrase with actual Zs in would have been clever, but the setter couldn't manage that (though 26 seemed a prime candidate for a Z). Also I'm dissatisfied with the clue to 11. The province has 9 counties, the constituent country has 6 counties. I'm aware that this error is reproduced in TCD and many other places.
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