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18th August 2018, 17:16
Thanks ginge.
I think I have it now. Chambers has the word hyphenated.I was trying with the other set of books. Once I changed the first letter of books, it became easy.
Looking for an animal was the wrong way to go.

Still only half way. Will be back.

I think 27d holds the clue to Seven normal clues.
Is 19a a slang from Australia?
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18th August 2018, 17:45
Hi again sunray, 27d is one of the 7 normal clues. 19a uses an Australian "slang" term in the wordplay
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18th August 2018, 17:46
Re 19a - the Australian slang is part of the wordplay
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18th August 2018, 18:13
Thanks ginge and lilith.
It seems I am stuck.

Solving 19d may help.

19a seems to involve anagram of tralee + slang. Spa the def?

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18th August 2018, 18:21
Yes spa is the definition. There are 2 instances of the letter missing, 1 is the first letter. Wordplay Tralee* then the Aussie slang.
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18th August 2018, 18:35
Thanks ginge. Got it. Had never heard the slang for attractive woman.

Still a few left.
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18th August 2018, 22:00
Made it to the finish line.

I used the first three words formed by the missing letters from clue answers to enter seven normal clues.
I have no idea how the remaining 5 words help.

In 3d what is the word water 's significance?
Ship's cabin is muddy, with marks purged by cold water (5)
This is thematic so no extra letter.

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18th August 2018, 22:03
Sunray. Look at C in Chambers. Will confirm. A rather nice puzzle this week. There have been some cracking IQs recently.
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18th August 2018, 22:55
Thanks jlc.

Are you replying to my question on extra letters forming 5 words or what water is doing in the clue at 3d?

I looked up both, the three letter C word and the 5 letter C word. Neither gave me anything as to why water is included in the clue.
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18th August 2018, 23:13
Hi again sunray, in case jlc doesn't look in again he/she is referring to "c" in Chambers being cold (water) rather than just cold.
Re the extra letters I get the phrase and the 2 definitions referred to in the preamble; 3 words, 2 words & 2 words (the first word of the 2 definitions being the same 2 letter word).
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