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7th August 2018, 08:15
Malone, yes I see the logic. And 'Wings' could be maddeningly ambiguous. Butterfly/Lancaster!
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17th August 2018, 19:33
Nelson, I've just read the solver's blog for this - on fifteensquared - and my thoughts on the title seem to have been right!
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18th August 2018, 12:46
You were indeed! And I completely - and I mean completely - misunderstood your hint about this.
Ah well, today's seems a little more straightforward so far.
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18th August 2018, 12:56
I'm sorry, Nelson - my 'hints' are sometimes more a hindrance than a help. I'll try harder! I'm not enjoying today's puzzle and am not finding it at all straightforward.
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18th August 2018, 13:13
Your hints are always clever - but I'm not always very bright.

Today must be an exception as I have the theme and definitions - and only two blanks left to fill in. (Or to be strictly accurate, three - but I can guess one of them.)
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18th August 2018, 13:16
Thanks for that, Nelson. Our differing experiences today just shows that what suits one solver doesn't necessarily suit another! I have solved only a dozen clues, haven't worked out how to enter 'thematically' and have no idea what's going on. I'll have a break and return to it later.
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18th August 2018, 13:20
Yes, probably see you later. It could easily take me the rest of the week to fill the blanks without help.
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