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6th August 2018, 19:52

11a: It's (W) H-IL-E =EH "what" turned outside I (i.e."we" as in the i paper) L, with W the extra leter

22A: is N ("miner's heart) (O)+ STRUM(a) i.e. "tumour lacking absolute", with O the extra letter
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6th August 2018, 21:18
Thanks muraria. I don't think I would ever have seen the "we as in the i" in 11a! And I was trying to make something of the word "tumour" in 22A.
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6th August 2018, 21:29
Visited the forum with the same problem as tomsdad, and I too would never have made the leap from we to i in 11ac. Bit below the belt, that one! Coming to the end, finally, after spending far too long on the se corner after putting senora in for 40ac. Only when I realised that those big brown things growing in the park could be the answer to 38 did the penny drop.
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6th August 2018, 21:42
Now I'm confused.
In the grid I highlighted the famous war film and the man in it - who was also in the second film. But I now see the female of the family in the grid, who was in the third film.
(Is this puzzle another 'Fedora?)'
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6th August 2018, 21:47
Nelson, and there's not only one film available to be put in the grid! If you have the first film title (the jumbled one) it helps resolve things.
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6th August 2018, 21:48
. . . and I now see the title on the other diagonal!
I should have realised that central cell was unchecked for a reason.
A definite Fedora.
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6th August 2018, 21:52
Good, Nelson! I was trying to avoid saying too much earlier. Hope you have it all finished off now - or soon.
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6th August 2018, 21:54
Yes nelson. With a title of "Wings It" I thought I had cracked it with the war film title and I searched for ages for the male name in the grid! But as you know it all worked out differently. Fedora indeed!
So I wonder what the significance of the title is?
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6th August 2018, 23:08
Thanks Malone - your hint about the 'character' was a big help.
Toms Dad, I'm still wondering about the title myself.
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7th August 2018, 06:37
Nelson, glad my hint helped. I've been mulling over the title - this could be a bit of a stretch... I'm wondering if Wings could be a synonym for the first part of the highlighted name, with the 'It' leading to the usual crossword two-letter word, abbreviation?
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