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29th July 2018, 22:22
Darn it. Was just about to help! I have a very close work colleague from the thematic place and will be looking at his use of the English language tomorrow to see if it reflects his lack of familiarity with these letters. Otherwise this was a very pleasant solve for me. Just my level. I sensed a like of anagrams from words minus letters as a favourite from Ottorino but I confess I was grateful! Love the thematic down clue and how it has significance but was put off from trying to solve it for too long by a dislike of the known Subject!
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29th July 2018, 22:57
I must have missed the point. X was never lost in translation....
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30th July 2018, 07:23
Ah - PDM!
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30th July 2018, 08:07
Is anyone else facing the same problem as me? I have solved the puzzle, understand the theme and identified the four letters to be changed. However I can't work out the insertion required from the down - what is the number and where would it go.

Any help would be welcomed to put the seal (!) on an excellent week. (William Seal is derived from Billy the Seal whose skeleton is exhibited in my hometown museum of Cardiff. Cycling capital of the world!!
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30th July 2018, 08:10
What has been removed? How many does that leave you with?

That number goes in the right place in the grid and makes the entry in that position display thematic significance.
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30th July 2018, 08:27
Many thanks (Diolch yn fawr) djawhufc
I see it know.
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30th July 2018, 08:28
sorry - should be now
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31st July 2018, 14:22
What a fun puzzle. Completed the grid without help and changed the 4 letters. Mis-counted a couple of times before finally adding the correct thing to the grid.

Never heard of the situation and found researching it interesting.

Could someone kindly confirm that the unchecked cell in the clue 'Climbing hills to protect eastern tree' is M? I can't parse it but can't think of any other tree other than the one ending in M.

This puzzle was more my standard - challenging (for me!) yet not so tough that solving is a chore. My continued admiration for those of you who regularly solve the difficult ones.
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31st July 2018, 14:40
Gazzar - look at definition 14 in Chambers. The last letter is indeed M.
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31st July 2018, 15:33
Thank you smartie!
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