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28th July 2018, 00:05
Started with the on line version rather than waiting for the paper tomorrow because of a busy week ahead. Pleased to find a much easier grid fill than last week and thought I was romping home. A clear instruction - but no PDM yet. Will need to sleep on it.
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28th July 2018, 07:30
Sleeping on it was very helpful. Penny dropped.
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28th July 2018, 08:18
I liked this one. The theme wasn’t something I’d come across but was one of those things you thought you ought to know!
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28th July 2018, 10:10
I'm where Smithsax was at midnight, I can parse all clues other than the 1 off down clue that has a thematic removal - and I somehow think this is needed for the PDM.
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28th July 2018, 10:19
Gitto, it is thematic but parsing it is not essential for the PDM. I finished the puzzle before managing to parse it.

There are a couple of others that I haven't so far managed to parse.

There is also one clue where an abbreviation is wrongly indicated since it's not supported in the latest Chambers. Alternatively, the setter has used a synonym for an alternative abbreviation, but I find that unacceptable. I'm referring to the fifteenth across clue, the one with 'Macron'.
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28th July 2018, 10:41
I agree. There was a similar issue with m for minute last week. Also it is a shame about the letter at the bottom of the 6th column. It is needed for the end game but somehow it seems wrong to have it in the grid.
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28th July 2018, 11:20
For the penultimate part of the endgame I was about to enter 9 but am now thinking it should be 20 for some reason?
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28th July 2018, 11:36
I see where you're coming from but isn't that being just a tad harsh? I've only just come to this thread after finishing the puzzle but the wordplay left me in no doubt whatsoever as to the answer. Departed is indeed a synonym for died but the latter could hardly have been used as it would have destroyed the surface reading of the clue.

As for 'm' it is listed as a symbol for minute(s) in Collins and is a universally accepted abbreviation - quite why the BRB omits it is a mystery to me. Its stable-mate the Complete Crossword Companion does list 'm' as an alternative for minute which makes its omission even stranger.

I thought this was a most enjoyable puzzle and it taught me something I didn't know

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28th July 2018, 11:38
Not 9 nor 20, I'd check your numbering as I suspect you're close ...
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28th July 2018, 11:41
On second thoughts may not be numbering as I see where you got 20 - forget the sausages!
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