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28th July 2018, 12:57
S_pugh, if the surface drives the cryptic, and in doing so forces an abbreviation to be indicated indirectly, that is a case of the tail wagging the dog. It's a clue to a clue, and as such I think it's unacceptable. Where does one draw the line? If it's acceptable to indicate D by 'departed' because 'departed' means died, then one could clue F as 'succeeding' on the grounds that 'succeeding' means following, C as 'overcast' because it means the same as cloudy.

I'm not saying this is what the setter has necessarily done. It may be just a mistake that's been missed by the editors. But if the rationale is 'departed' = 'died' = D, then that's the thin end of the wedge for me.
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28th July 2018, 13:05
I'm inclined to agree with Dryden. It wouldn't have taken much effort for the setter to instead code "For Macron, I (hosting May's sister and daughter) and gadded about."

Gitto, if you're still wondering about the thematic down clue, drop all 5.
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28th July 2018, 13:24
I'll concede on that one Dryden, those examples you give would be a step too far, so logically D for departed is too. Strangely though It never crossed my mind that it wouldn't be D when I read the clue, so I must subconsciously associate D with departed (probably from A and D on railway timetables and the like which would properly be arrives and departs).
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28th July 2018, 15:08
Thanks Meursault, the down clue makes perfect sense now!!!!
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28th July 2018, 19:12
This is frustrating.

Four out of the five have something in common with a further one, which the 5th does not.....

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28th July 2018, 19:28
All 5 things that are removed are removed from a larger set of 26 Woodlouse.
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28th July 2018, 19:52
Sorry, dja. What I meant is that the Roman alphabet does not have JKWYZ, but does have X. Maybe the theme is not what I thought.
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28th July 2018, 20:25
Woodlouse, it is what you think, just a question of time. You can google the number followed by the clue entry, and in the first 10 results (after an entry for a pop song by delta sleep) there will be confirmation.
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29th July 2018, 09:16
Thanks, Meursault. Obvious when you see it, but I would never have made the imaginative leap.

I am still sure that it should be Z and not X, though. Could the setter just not make that work? I wanted INEZ for ILEX and imagine that it would not be impossible to make it all work.
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29th July 2018, 09:28
There is a wikipedia site called ------- orthography. Catherine ---- Jones uses the letter in question.
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