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19th June 2018, 20:07
I think it's EV's way of discovering the 1% who have most time on their hands and are most prepared to waste it.
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19th June 2018, 20:13
I’ve got a full grid and still can’t see any directions to the right X
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19th June 2018, 21:10
Unclued, here's hoping I haven't got it wrong again, but the cells that have two letters in them form an arrow pointing to the correct X in my solution at least.
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19th June 2018, 21:10
There's a particular word in the preamble.
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19th June 2018, 21:31
Thanks both of you. I’ll have another look.
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20th June 2018, 13:34
I think I’ve got all the answers in now but the accommodated cells don’t form a clearly-defined arrow shape. They may be said to point to an X to the top left, but with an adjustment to the letters in row 9 (and 8) they could point to the X near the bottom left corner.

The grid as I have it is an ugly mess, defying all the normal principles of crosswords. I can see why some of our posters have wanted to give it up as a bad job. Unchecked cells with three letters in, not contributing to any message: surely that shouldn’t be allowed. And a feature which I don’t think has been mentioned is letters spreading over two cells each, though I have seen that before. The same thing could happen at the bottom of column 6 and the top of column 7, but there would be no point in that.

This surely can’t be right, but I can’t see any other way of fitting the answrs in.
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20th June 2018, 13:58
rad - you should have a regular 'arrow' shape with three lines of equal length (5 squares each). They converge at the corner of the first X you mentioned.
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20th June 2018, 14:02
No letter crosses two squares and there are never more than 2 letters in any of the 13 squares affected.
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20th June 2018, 14:11
Thanks, Drxx. In that case I am completely baffled!
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20th June 2018, 14:21
Do you have the two longest down entries side by side on columns 6 and 7? They both occupy 11 squares, one answer starts in the top row, the other one ends in the bottom row.
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