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19th June 2018, 17:00
Thanks. This is an interesting challenge!
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19th June 2018, 17:02
Didn’t read the top of the next column for “nothing less” in the FLURR clue. Schoolboy error!
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19th June 2018, 17:50

Shouldn't the answer to to the plant clue be 9 letters?

Since the grid has 180 degree symmetry, it goes in the fifth column to counter 9 letter answer for old supporter in 8th column.

Aged character has 4 letter answer. There is no other across answer that is 4 letter. I am having a hard time achieving the symmetry.

I still have to crack the plant, raged with pillars and the cat clues.

The cat clue ends in ese so it could be Burmese but not sure.
The plant clue ends in RED but given the way grid entries are, the letters may be misleading.

I have 4 X so far.

Time to give up and wait for the solution 3 weeks later.

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19th June 2018, 17:57
Hi sunray,

To balance the 4-letter across clue, I made a 5-letter one in a symmetrical position occupy four cells.

For cat, I think it's in the sense of vomit. The defn is Possibly enough said, and about = CA.
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19th June 2018, 18:06
The cat is the other cat ending in '...ese'.

The plant is 8 letters and occupies 8 cells, it goes at the bottom of the 10th column. The 3rd column has its opposite number ('ham' is the def) and it is also 8 letters occupying 8 cells - it has the usual letter missing from the wordplay.
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19th June 2018, 18:15
'Raged' is a 9 letter synonym (beginning with B) around A(rea). The 10 letters are squeezed into 8 cells (its opposite number being a 9 letter answer squeezed into 8 squares).

I'll be happy to give the answers if you'd rather - hints are trickier.
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19th June 2018, 18:37
Thanks drxx.
I did get raged. The cat seems to be Thai.
The plant seems to end in Bush.

I have to now figure out how to get symmetry.

The purpose of having two letters in many of the cells escapes me at the moment.
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19th June 2018, 18:49
Yes sunray, you're right with those.
There is a regularity to the cells with double letters in them, although they lack true symmetry.

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19th June 2018, 18:51
...I should qualify that last remark -
they lack true symmetry within the grid.
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19th June 2018, 19:45
Thanks drxx.
And others who helped.

I think this is EV's attempt to find out who are the top 1% of the solvers.

I am not submitting this even if I manage to fill the grid correctly.
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