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17th June 2018, 16:08
Thanks to both of you for the explanation.
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17th June 2018, 16:23
Glad I could help, Marca.

Ignorance is indeed bliss at times. Until today, Pig Latin was only a phrase to me. I got the information about the suffix from Wiki, and got the unclued entries from playing with letters. Chambers defines Pig Latin as ' a secret language or jargon made up by children, especially one in which an initial consonant is transposed to the end of the word, followed by...' I read this as meaning there could be variations, so I didn't treat the 'initial consonant is transposed...' as obligatory!
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17th June 2018, 17:16
I went with Chambers description, which is not prescriptive, and first entered letter moved to the end followed by the suffix gave the island. If it doesn’t fit the description exactly it is consistent. Fine by me.
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17th June 2018, 17:20
Thanks, teenieleek, you seem to have solved it as I did!
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19th June 2018, 06:33
Any help with 32a) ? Broadcast excellent sequence of operas (6) ?ir?n? Thanks
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19th June 2018, 06:37
Airing, A1 + (The) Ring; Wagner series of operas.
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19th June 2018, 06:55
Gee . Thanks
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19th June 2018, 11:34
I had transporting for 11a and couldn't work anything out from that so gave up.
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