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17th June 2018, 09:12
I agree with murky. I think this puzzle falls into the "guess what I'm thinking" category as I tried a couple of online websites that translate from pig latin into English and neither of them came close to the method that was needed.
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17th June 2018, 09:52
I also found this puzzle frustrating. There are several possible full words that fit 11across. I had transplanting for some while and was trying to plant various types of pig into the unclued entries.
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17th June 2018, 10:00
Murky, I didn't find the definition for 11 A 'very misleading'. Chambers has one definition of the correct word as 'removing or transferring to another place' and the clue has 'moving to another place'. I'd considered other words, but none worked with the component in 7 A.
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17th June 2018, 10:16
One other thing. Pig Latin is a language that is intended to be spoken. But how does one pronounce most of the unclued entries, with or without the suffix? My point is that identifying "pig latin" is as much a hindrance as a help.
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17th June 2018, 10:47
Malone, my point was that the required word should have been defined exactly as per Chambers to be fair to solvers. I was sure MIGRATING was the right word because of the exact wording in Chambers. I thought some sort of word chain was involved, getting from PIG to RAT via MIG, which might be applied somehow to the unclued entries.

Orson, I'm not sure your point about speaking the words applies because the pig Latin is actually the real word, not the entry.
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17th June 2018, 10:58
Murky, you said the definition in 11 A is the 'precise definition' given for Transmigrating - but it's not 'precise'. Transmigrating = moving to another place of abode or state. Translating = removing or transferring to another place. One seems as valid as the other to me - and only one worked with the theme. I think we all see/construe things from slightly different angles!
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17th June 2018, 12:48
Malone, we're obviously not gong to agree on this, but as a setter myself I would not chose a slightly obscure definition that could be for any of a number of words beginning TRANS and ignore a more specific and obvious definition that could narrow the field, bearing in mind that the length of the full word is unknown. If Phi's intention was to lead solvers to the theme without a confusing plethora of possibilities I think he should have picked a definition that was unique to the required word.
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17th June 2018, 15:53
I really need help with the unclued down answer. Maybe I’ve gone wrong somewhere, but I can’t find an Isle starting with U that fits.
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17th June 2018, 15:58
Marca, it doesn't begin with U. The word begins at the second place in the unclued entry - I think that went for all of them? (I'm out, don't have my grid).
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17th June 2018, 16:04
Marca, it doesn't start with U, because the pig Latin is not being properly applied. This is what I find annoying about most of the unclued entries. The island is ROU_AY. Properly encoded, the entry would lead to OU_RAY, not ROU_AY.
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